
describe logical operators in java the relational

Describe Logical Operators in Java ?

The relational operators you've learned so far (<, <=, >, >=, !=, ==) are enough while you only required to check one condition. Therefore what if a particular action is to be taken only if various conditions are true? You can use a series of if statements to test the conditions, as follow:

if (x == 2) {
if (y != 2) {
System.out.println("Both conditions are true.");

This, therefore, is hard to write and harder to read. It just gets worse as you add more conditions. Providentially, Java gives an easy way to handle multiple conditions: the logic operators. There are three logic operators, &&, || and !.
&& is logical and. && merges two boolean values and returns a boolean that is true if and only if both of its operands are true. For example

boolean b;
b = 3 > 2 && 5 < 7; // b is true
b = 2 > 3 && 5 < 7; // b is now false
|| is logical or. || combines two boolean variables or expressions and returns a result in which is true if either or both of its operands are true. For example

boolean b;
b = 3 > 2 || 5 < 7; // b is true
b = 2 > 3 || 5 < 7; // b is still true
b = 2 > 3 || 5 > 7; // now b is false
The last logic operator is ! which means not. It reverses the value of a boolean expression. Thus if b is true !b is false. If b is false !b is true.

boolean b;
b = !(3 > 2); // b is false
b = !(2 > 3); // b is true
These operators permit you to test multiple conditions more simply. For instance the previous example can now be written as
if (x == 2 && y != 2) {
System.out.println("Both conditions are true.");
That's a lot clearer.

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JAVA Programming: describe logical operators in java the relational
Reference No:- TGS0284420

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