Describe java operators?
An operator is a symbol which operates on one or more arguments to generate a result. The Hello World program is so easy it doesn't use any operators, other than almost all another programs you write will.
addition of numbers, concatenation of Strings
add and assign numbers, concatenate and assign Strings
subtract and assign
multiply and assign
divide and assign
take remainder
take remainder and assign
increment by one
decrement by one
greater than
greater than or equal to
less than
less than or equal to
boolean NOT
not equal to
boolean AND
boolean OR
boolean equals
bitwise NOT
type checking
bitwise OR
bitwise OR and assign
bitwise XOR
bitwise XOR and assign
bitwise AND
bitwise AND and assign
shift bits right with sign extension
shift bits right with sign extension and assign
shift bits left
shift bits left and assign
unsigned bit shift right
unsigned bit shift right and assign