
Describe influence of either the supernatural or hellenism

Assignment task: Posts should be at least 250 words and contain at least one short (1-2 sentences) quote to support your argument. You may not use any long quotes - quotes that are three or more lines or sentences. The quotes must be properly cited.

You must respond to two people's posts. Each response must be at least 100 words.

Posts and responses should also contain proper grammar and punctuation.

Please choose one of the following topics to discuss in your post:

1. Describe the influence of either the supernatural or Hellenism in at least two works.

2. How is Nature invoked in the Romantic writers? Why do they do this? Give examples in at least two works.

3. Compare and contrast the works of John Keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, and William Wordsworth (choose two from the list) we have studied. What common themes are seen in the works of each of these poets? Use specific lines as evidence. How is each poet different from the others? What makes each poet stand out? Use at least two specific lines as reference.

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Other Subject: Describe influence of either the supernatural or hellenism
Reference No:- TGS03419489

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