
Describe in your own words two specific network problems

Assignment: Network Routing and Switching


This assessment task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of basic routing concepts by completing a number of exercise questions. The questions contain numerical as well as descriptive questions covering the material up to Week 6.

The questions are designed to help you to achieve the unit learning outcomes as listed in the unit profile.


You must do this assignment on your own - it is not a group assignment.

Type all your answers in the ‘Template for Your Answers' Section of this document and upload only that template. You could do that by copying the Template section into a new Word document for uploading. Answers that are not typed into the "Template for Your Answers" section may not be marked, or may be returned to you for re-typing and re-submission - late penalties will apply.

You must submit the Answer section as a Word file (.doc or .docx). Do not submit PDF's or any other type of file without express permission from the Unit Coordinator.

Question 1- Address usage

Consider the following classless address block:

Listthe addresses from this block that would be used as:

a) the network address,
b) the direct broadcast address, and
c) the range available for hosts to use

Show the steps you took to arrive at your answers.

Question 2- Allocating subnets from a block

A company has been granted a block of addresses whichincludes the address Answer the following questions, showing your calculations.

a) Calculate the network address of this block and how many host addresses including special addresses this block can provide (1 mark)

b) Create the following 6 subnets for this company by calculating the subnet address for each subnet. Answer this question by filling in the table in the Answer template. Use CIDR format for the mask.

I. 2 subnets with 32 addresses each.
II. 4 subnets with 16 addresses each.

c) After some time, the company decides that it wants another subnet with 1,024 addresses. Explain whether this can be allocated from the existing block.

Question 3 - Network Tools (Windows)

Often the best way to gain an initial familiarity with network tools is to simply use them, at a basic level in exploratory mode as suggested in some of the tutorial exercises. Netstat and Tracert are included in Windows, while Wireshark is free to download and install. Explore Wireshark, Netstat and Tracert, then complete this question.

a) A wireshark scan has produced a packet capture, saved to a file named wireshark_capture01.pcapng and available on the Unit website. Download the file and open it in Wireshark, then answer these questions about the scan:

i. Very briefly summarise in your own words the content in each of the three horizontal display windows in Wireshark.

ii. In Frame 3, what brand of computer launched this scan and what was its IP address? State where this information is found.

iii. Briefly explain the exchange event captured in frames 4 - 6 .

iv. Describe in your own words two specific network problems that a network administrator could use Wireshark for as a troubleshooting tool?

b) A ‘NETSTAT -aon' command has given the output below (excerpted). Briefly describe each column heading, and the states LISTENING, ESTABLISHED and CLOSE_WAIT.

Active Connections

ProtoLocal         Address                     Foreign Address                  State                      PID
TCP                                      LISTENING
TCP                                    LISTENING               7480
TCP                                    LISTENING               4
TCP                    ESTABLISHED          14080
TCP                CLOSE_WAIT           8912
TCP                     ESTABLISHED          22400
TCP                 ESTABLISHED          4696
TCP                 CLOSE_WAIT           4696
TCP                 ESTABLISHED          4696

c) Do a TRACERT on your computer to www.google.com. Paste the output to your assignment answer template and discuss the information being displayed.

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Computer Networking: Describe in your own words two specific network problems
Reference No:- TGS02734008

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