
Describe in your own words how yuwei and thong ngee 2015


When preparing for your discussion post on this case, it is recommended that you read through it several times.

Read through it the first time to familiarize yourself with the prompt.

On the second reading, consider your assigned role in the situation, and let that guide your perspective. Look deeper at the details: facts, problems, organizational goals, objectives, policies, strategies.

Next, consider the concepts, theories, tools and research you need to use to address the issues presented.

Then, complete any research, analysis, calculations, or graphing to support your decisions and make recommendations.


In the video Responsible sourcing in Nestlé (Video file, 2 min 24 sec), the company explains how they ensure the sources of their hazelnuts is done responsibly. Nestlé procures hazelnuts and other raw ingredients from six of the seven continents (Nestlé, 2015). So how does Nestlé ensure they are only purchasing raw ingredients from responsible sources? What is a responsible source?


After completing the module's reading and watching the video, Responsible sourcing in Nestlé (Video file, 2 min 24 sec), complete the task below.


A. Complete the following:

1. What is your definition of a responsible source (of a product)? This answer should be in your own words.

2. Yuwei and Thong Ngee (2015) describe a mixed sourcing strategy, where a company utilizes both foreign and domestic sources. You have just been hired as the Procurement Officer for a sustainable products retail chain. The company prides itself on only purchasing goods that are sourced responsibly. Your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has asked you to brief the C's (CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, etc. ) on the potential risks of utilizing a mixed sourcing strategy as opposed to only utilizing known domestic providers. You should discuss the three most significant risk factors (no more, no less than three). Support your analysis with scholarly evidence.

3. Describe, in your own words, how Yuwei and Thong Ngee (2015) propose to handle sourcing under uncertain conditions. This response should be limited to no more than three sentences (your explanation should be clear and concise).

B. When responding to at least two classmates, provide substantive feedback on how one of the three risks your peer identified could be mitigated. Your response should utilize concepts covered in this course.

Ensure you support your responses with scholarly reference material using APA formatting.


Nestle. (2015). Responsible sourcing in Nestlé.

Yuwei, K., & Thong Ngee, G. (2015). Strategic improvement of the quality of global sourcing in unstable environments. Current Issues of Business & Law, 10, 227-246.

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