Suppose the course grade is based on 30 assignments (each scored 0 to 100), three projects (each scored 0 to 100), and attendance in 15 classes (each scored as present or absent). The assignments account for 30% of the course grade, the projects are 20% each (60% total), and attendance is 10% of the course grade. Suppose 10 of the 30 assignments are included in the final course score. The 10 are randomly selected.
Describe in writing how you would calculate the course grade for one student.
Submit your written description as a text file.
A program in Python 3 that calculates the final grade for a student.
Submit a Jupyter notebook. No visualization is required.
Letter Grades are:
97-100 - A
90-96.99 - A-
87-89.99 -B+
84-86.99 - B
80-83.99 - B-
77-79.99 - C+
74-76.99 - C
70-73.99 - C-
60-69- D
<60 - F