The non-dominant employee should be a member of the cohort you looked into to make your team's course project. Describe in full the experiences and opinions of the dominate and non-dominant employees in the workplace.
A. Students should make careful to compare and contrast the perspective and experience of the employee from the dominant culture with that of the employee from the non-dominant culture.
B. Present both the favorable and unfavorable experiences and viewpoints that all members of the dimension of diversity you choose may have.
C. Highlight factors that might transform the cohort's unfavorable experiences and perceptions.
a. students think about both interpersonal and organizational inclusion strategies.
b. To establish an inclusive and just workplace, decide which organizational leaders' (policies, programs, altering organizational culture) and workers' (strategies like empathy, being an ally, overt actions of inclusion) most crucial activities are.
D. Identify issues that affect employees and have both interpersonal and organizational causes.