
Describe in detail what happened in your group that led to



• Write a 3-5 page paper (Not including the title page) in which you analyze your group's functioning during your Team Manager Project. You should integrate theories and frameworks from class into your analysis of team effectiveness. ATTACH YOUR GROUP MEMBER EVALUATION TO YOUR HARD COPY SUBMITTED IN CLASS

Address the following in your paper:

• Identify at least 3 insights about working in groups that you discovered through your group experience during the project
• Describe in detail what happened in your group that led to each insight
• Be specific and detailed.Make recommendations for improving group work based on the insights you identified


• Title Page
• Calibri 11-point font, double-spaced
• Normal margins
• Cite all outside sources

The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate that you can take concepts from the class and apply them to a real situation (your group experience in MGB301 during the Fall 2015 semester).

Analyze your group's functioning, integrating different theories and frameworks from class. The more you can link ideas and concepts from class to your experience and illustrate/analyze the functioning and development of your team, the more successful you will be.


• Highlight what went right in your group, and tie it back to course concepts to help explain why...AND/OR highlight what went wrong in your group and tie it back to course concepts to help explain why.

• Build a paper around concepts from class (motivation, personalities, attitudes & values, conflict management, negotiation, culture) and explain how the topics played out in your group.

• Write a narrative that explains your group's development over time, drawing on concepts from class to explain the development.

Team dynamics to consider:

• How did team member styles/perspectives differ? How did the group handle these differences?
• How did team member motivations differ? How did the group deal with those differences?
• How did the group make decisions? Was it effective? How can it be improved?
• Who emerged as a leader? What was their style? What was the result?
• How did the group structure tasks? Who did what? Was this efficient and/or effective?
• What was the group's culture like? How did it emerge and was it reinforced?
• Did the group share norms for high performance? If not, why? If so, why?
• Generally, How could the group have done better?


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HR Management: Describe in detail what happened in your group that led to
Reference No:- TGS02538390

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