
Describe in detail the consumer behaviors

Problem: Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: Research Outline: Explain the research plan, determination of research goals and objectives, and a project timeline for execution. Cite your sources. Consumer Behaviors: Describe in detail the consumer behaviors that the research plan will help to understand. Cite your sources. Value: Describe your value proposition so that the team has a clear understanding of what drives the purchase, how customer needs are defined, and what customers are willing to pay for. Cite your sources. Survey Questions: Design a survey that asks survey participants to rate the importance of each determinant attribute, on a scale of -3 to 3, when choosing a product from the product category. Provide a list of questions asking participants to rate each determinant attribute for each brand within the product category. These questions require consumers to express their beliefs about the determinant attributes of each product being studied. A scale from 3 (very likely) to -3 (very unlikely) is used.



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Marketing Management: Describe in detail the consumer behaviors
Reference No:- TGS03431717

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