
Describe how your marketing efforts and marketing mix will

Use the same product and organization you identified Strategy and Positioning Analysis.  See below for Description of Product

Develop 500 words

Describe how your marketing efforts and marketing mix will change with each phase in the product life cycle

Include at least two sources of research that support your analysis; at least one must be the textbook, one from the University of Phoenix library, and one piece of secondary research.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines

Description of Product/Service

The measuring spice rack attaches under the cabinet (where you put a light under it, and for the camper it will have the same thing. Camping it will be a portable stack rack that can be set on a cooler or even a table.  It will come in many colors that most appliances are going towards, such as white, black, red, teal, and orange. It will also come in different styles, such as wood or plastic and both will have clear containers and labels to write the spice on. This spice rack will have a knob that will allow a person to select, 1 tsp, a ½ tsp, 1 cup and so on. As a bonus, it will come in a flour, sugar, and rice container that will also have the same measuring system. This type of spice rack, will save time and space in any kitchen, camper, or even when someone is camping. Spices take up a lot of room in a kitchen, and with the product there will be more space in the cabinets for anything else.

There will be no more measuring cups in every cabinet, or ten different sets of measuring spoons, it will be one spice rack that holds up to fifteen different types of spices. No more clutter in the cabinets or the drawers of a kitchen.

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Marketing Management: Describe how your marketing efforts and marketing mix will
Reference No:- TGS02213697

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