• Specifically, your company has asked your team to design an app that will complete a Sudoku game, given any starting state of the game. See this Web sitefor the rules. https://www.sudoku.com/
State Space
• Describe how you plan to search for the Sudoku solution given a starting state.
• Clearly define your state space here: What does a vertex in your state traversal tree represent?
Traversal Time Complexity
• Assuming you were to naively traverse your state space, what is the upperbound time complexity (in terms of Big-O) of a brute force searching algorithm?
• Present this result in terms of n and p where nxn is the size of the Sudoku board and p is the number of possible numbers (1-9) permitted in a square.
Heuristic Search
• What type of heuristic search would you employ to search this state space in hopes to reduce the search time?
• Think about the problem and how you might search this state-space tree.
• Create pseudocode that finds the solution to a Sudoku game using a brute force search or using your heuristic discussed above.
• To simplify this task, assume that you have standard data structures available to you, such as stacks and queues.