Question: Reply 100 words to student 1:
1) This course has really improved my knowledge on logistics management. I have been in this industry for a little more than 20 years now and I have seen many changes that have occurred during that time. This class has given me the ability to view scenarios of supply chain in a different perspective, kind of like outside looking in, into the logistics management. I could not have done this without guidance of Prof. Burns and the participation of my classmates.
2) My work in this class was for the most part a challenge, fulfilling a full time job along with family life. It was a real challenge in keeping up. Althoiugh this course deals much with my career field it was certainly interesting to see how logistics management is handled in the supply chain.
3) One course that really took me back was Forum 5, Strategic Alliance. I had not heard of this until week 5 but upon reading and researching on the subject I was able to comprehend as how it relates to logistics management. I do not have to deal with this particular subject right now in my career field, however, it is always a good thing to have knowledge of everything that is involved in logistics management.
4) The future effects on what I have learned in this course will certainly guide me in my career field. The information I have learned will help me get up in the ranks at my place of work.
Reply 100 words to student 2:
1. Describe how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this class.
This term went by superfast and loved the participation from all of our classmates. I will say, there were many more topics of discussion here compared to my Supply Chain Management class that I was also taking the last eight weeks. Applying KSA's to what I do daily was a challenge, but can see how this will benefit me in a year from now as I transition into the civilian sector.
2. Evaluate the work you did during this class and explain ways you could have performed better.
There was a time or two that I fell behind, because of a TDY, but Dr. B is very in tune to what it takes to have a work-life balance, and I'm especially grateful for that. My interaction with other classmates could have been better, allowing for better crosstalk. When receiving feedback for my scenario papers, it has allowed me to re-focus and work on areas where I was lacking a bit.
3. Assess the course objectives you still do not understand and suggest how to improve the course to meet those objectives.
There really wasn't anything that caught me by surprise with the coursework and felt I had an advantage because of my Supply Chain Management class I was taking this term. I would agree that by opening up all the coursework, it gives those added flexibility to work ahead if need be.
4. List ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement.