
Describe how you built rapport with the client

Assignment task: Karima is the mother of 4-year-old boy, Jamal, who enrolled in Head Start day-care. Karima, 27 years old, is a single parent, living with her mother and brother. She worked in a community college part-time as a cleaner, and where she is also studying early childhood education. Karima has no support and wants to be able to manage her finances and provide good support for his son along with her study. Head Start day-care contacted Karima to discuss some cognitive behavioral concerns about Jamal. It has been a while since the teacher observation Jamal's behaviour and known a significant increase in incidents that occurred lately with Jamal. The staff in day-care noticed Jamal, enjoyed all kinds of sensory activities and found it difficult to stop him and lacked in other educational activities. He is quite withdrawn in terms of interaction with others and with the environment.

Her network consists of:

Karima's mother, who helps with child care and housework, but is sometimes critical of Karima's ability to be a parent to Jamal.

Jamal, her son, who is an active child, but also lots of fun.

Karima's brother, who helps with transportation from time to time.

Jamal's father, who is only seen infrequently, when he is intoxicated.

Jamal can sometimes have displayed behaviour.

Head Start personnel (mainly the teacher and parent advisor), who have helped Karima deal with Jamal's behavior and helped her learn about community resources.

Karima's teachers and classmates at the community college, who are helpful, but not very close. Imams and members of Karima's mosque.

Karima has clearly defined the following two goals for her support network:

She would like to get to know some of her classmates better at school. That way, if she had to miss class, she would have people to rely upon for notes. She doesn't have a lot of time to socialize when she gets to school, though. ? She would also like to handle her mother's criticisms of her in a better way. She gets angry when her mother criticizes her, but she knows she needs to rely on her mother's help with Jamal. Discussion.

Answer the following:

Question 1: Describe your approach to case management. This should reflect standard procedures, as well legislative requirements. Explain how the approach assists clients to set goals and participate fully in case management.

Question 2: Based on your w approach develop the case management processes you will use for managing the case. This must also ensure that the client can set their own goals and participate fully in the case management process. Document them below.

Question 3: Describe clients' rights and responsibilities as relevant to this process.

Question 4: Explain how you will ensure that cultural considerations of each client are taken into account in the case management process.

Question 5: Describe how you built rapport with the client and include an example of the style of question you used to facilitate rapport.

Question 6: Outline the information you provided to the client at the outset of the meeting and explain how you managed client information sharing, including client consent.

Question 7: Outline the information you provided to the client about:

  • roles and responsibilities of the client
  • your roles and responsibilities as the case worker
  • boundaries for both yourself as the clienT
  • services to be provided and how they will be provided.

Question 8: In case management, it is important to work out and agree on the needs, responsibilities and rights of the workplace, the client's family and the community in general.

Explain the needs, responsibilities and rights of the workplace, the family and the community as relevant to the client.

Explain how during the meeting you worked out and agreed on these needs, responsibilities and rights.

Question 9: Based on the meeting, document the client's:

Immediate, short and long term needs, as well as those of other relevant parties such as family members.

  • Strengths
  • Abilities
  • Goals//targets
  • An agreed approach to case management

Explain how you collaborated with the client to determine these needs.

Explain how you assisted the client to set and achieve realistic targets for change or action and to take personal responsibility.


Question 10: Outline the processes you agreed upon with the client to monitor and change their case management plan as required.

Question 11: For some clients, there may be the need to put in place strategies to deal with complex or high risk situations.

Document any such strategies that you consider need to be put in place in the case management plan for the client. If they do not apply to this client, identify a strategy that may be applicable should this turn into a complex or high risk situation.

Question 12: Describe the strategies you implemented from your case management plan to regularly monitor:

  • the effectiveness of case management processes in relation to agreed goals
  • the effectiveness of the services provided
  • client and other relevant stakeholder satisfaction

Question 13: Indicate the information you gained from monitoring in regards to:

  • the effectiveness of case management processes in relation to agreed goals
  • the effectiveness of the services provided
  • client and other relevant stakeholder satisfaction

Based on this monitoring, outline issues or changes that needed to be made to the case management plan.

Question 14: Explain how you negotiated with key stakeholders regarding proposed changes to the case management plan based on your monitoring.

Question 15: Explain how during the review process you documented all case work interventions according to:

  • evidence based practice
  • confidentiality requirements

Question 16: Describe how you closed off this case and explain how this aligns with your workplace's procedures.

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Reference No:- TGS03259429

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