
Describe how tumor is an abnormal growth

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A tumor is an abnormal growth that is benign or malignant and can harm or even kill the host if proper interventions do not occur on a timely manner. A tumor is made up of tissue which serves no purpose to the host other than introducing a pathogen to the immune system. Benign tumors are none cancerous and do not spread in contrast to malignant tumors where they are cancerous and will rupture and spread cancer cells to organs and tissues. Benign tumors have a slow growth and they are incapsulated with clear edges and are localize and noninvasive. Benign tumors do not metastasize rarely turn malignant expect in the case of colon polyps where after a long period of time can in fact become malignant thus becoming colon cancer. Lipomas in the other hand are benign tumors that will grow slow allowing them to be watch closely and to take proper measurements and precautions, other benign tumors include fibroids, adenomas and hemangiomas. In contrast to malignant tumors which grow fast, have irregular shape and can invade other organs and tissues, often needed treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to remove the cancerous cells from the host. Types of malignant tumors or cancers are carcinomas and sarcomas, breast, lung, prostate, colorectal and stomach cancer are the most common of malignant cancers affecting the population. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. It is estimated that 2.3 million new cases of BC are diagnosed globally each year (Cicenas, 2021).

As cancer continues to spread through a process called metastasis, it is known that where the cancer begins it will not be where it ends. With different types of cancers such as carcinoma originates in the skin, lungs breast and glands. Sarcoma are cancers that solid with connective tissues such as bones and cartridge, muscles and fibrous tissues. Lymphoma are cancers of the lymphocytes and lastly leukemia is cancer in the blood. Being characterized by six major hallmarks, carcinogenesis might occur in every cell, tissue, and organ, leading to the pathological alternations that result in a vast number of cancers (Cicenas, 2021). In the United States in 2021, 1,777,566 new cancer cases were reported. In the United States in 2022, 608,366 people died of cancer (2024). Although cancer affect all the world population regardless of age, race, and sex often cancer will not affect all of the population the same. Differences in genetics, hormones, environmental exposures, and other factors can lead to differences in risk among different groups of people. For most cancers, though, increasing age is the most important risk factor (2024). Need Online Tutoring?

Tkacs, N., Johnson, R., & Herrmann, L. (2022). Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology: Essentials for Clinical Practice. Springer Publishing Company.

Cicenas, J. (2021, August 21). Breast cancer-epidemiology, risk factors, classification, prognostic markers, and current treatment strategies-an updated review - PMC. Breast Cancer-Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Classification, Prognostic Markers, and Current Treatment Strategies-An Updated Review.

CDC. (2024, December 12). Cancer data and statistics | cancer | CDC. Cancer Data and Statistics.

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