
Describe how to deliver an effective impromptu speech


A. Explain how to effectively deliver a manuscript speech.

When precision wording is important, you may need to read a speech from a prepared text. Make your voice and gestures as natural as possible, and make eye contact at the ends of sentences.

B. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of memorizing a speech.

Giving a speech from memory allows maximum eye contact with the audience, but you risk sounding stiff, forgetting part of the speech, and being unable to adapt the speech to the audience.

C. Describe how to deliver an effective impromptu speech.

An unrehearsed speech allows informality and eye contact. Consider the audience, and organize your remarks accordingly. Keep your talk brief, use your own knowledge, and share information cautiously.

D. Explain the benefits of delivering a speech extemporaneously.

Because it seems spontaneous and is customized to the audience, the extemporaneous method is the most desirable in most situations. Speak from an outline without memorizing the exact words.

E. Self Assessment Record and analyze a video of yourself rehearsing your next speech. Did you fol- low the advice given in this chapter? How can you improve your eye contact, gestures, posture, and use of movement and facial expressions?

F. Ethics Assessment Many politicians hire image consultants to coach them in nonverbal skills. Is it ethical for a speaker to use such consultants to at- tempt to gain more credibility with voters?

G. Critical Assessment Monique is self-conscious about her hand gestures, and she often just puts her hands behind her back. What advice would you give Monique to help her use gestures more effectively?

H. Self Assessment Review the tips for rehearsing your speech presented on pages 161 to 162. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = poor; 5 = excellent) on each of the suggestions. Use your self-ratings to develop a plan to improve your rehearsals.

I. Ethics Assessment Is it ethical to cultivate a highly emotional vocal delivery style to use when attempt- ing to persuade listeners?

J. Critical Assessment Professor Murray speaks slowly and in a monotone; consequently, many of her students do not enjoy her music history lectures. What can she do to give her voice some variety?

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Finance Basics: Describe how to deliver an effective impromptu speech
Reference No:- TGS03280211

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