
Describe how this study impacts the attitude of african

Miss? ?Ever's? ?Boys

I. Please? ?provide? ?an? ?answer? ?to? ?each? ?of? ?the? ?following.? ?For? ?each? ?topic,? ?write? ?the? ?topic? ?and? ?then the? ?answer.? 

a. Parties? ?involved? ?in? ?the? ?study:
b. Funding? ?source? ?and? ?amount_____

c. Unit? ?of? ?analysis___________________________

d. Independent? ?and? ?dependent? ?variables_____________

e. Method? ?for? ?Selection? ?of? ?Participants______________________

f. Research? ?findings_____________________

II. Provide? ?a? ?detailed? ?discussion? ?of? ?the? ?following? ?topics?.? ?Be? ?sure? ?to? ?utilize? ?the? ?literature and? ?the? ?film? ?as? ?the? ?basis? ?for? ?your? ?discuss.? ?Make? ?sure? ?you? ?site? ?the? ?specific? ?section? ?of? ?the? ?film when? ?appropriate.

A? ?minimum? ?of? ?7? ?references? ?are? ?required? ?for? ?this? ?section.? ?? ?The? ?nine sections? ?should? ?be? ?written? ?in? ?APA? ?format? ?with? ?headings? ?that? ?correspond? ?with? ?the? ?nine sections? ?listed? ?below?

a. Provide? ?a? ?critical? ?evaluation? ?of? ?the? ?role? ?and? ?responsibilities? ?of? ?the? ?researchers

b. What? ?is? ?the? ?role? ?of? ?the? ?IRB

c. Provide? ?a? ?detailed? ?discussion? ?on? ?how? ?the? ?government/public? ?health? ?failed? ?the? ?research participants,? ?and? ?families

d. Describe? ?how? ?this? ?study? ?impacts? ?the? ?attitude? ?of? ?African? ?Americans? ?and? ?other? ?minorities toward? ?government? ?and? ?any? ?other? ?research? ?entities.

e. The? ?study? ?asks? ?a? ?basic? ?research? ?question:? ?is? ?the? ?rate? ?and? ?progression? ?of? ?syphilis? ?in? ?the Black? ?male? ?the? ?same? ?as? ?that? ?for? ?the? ?White? ?male.? ?Is? ?that,? ?in? ?your? ?opinion,? ?a? ?legitimate scientific? ?question?? ?Explain:? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?What? ?are? ?the? ?ethical? ?implications? ?in? ?this? ?study?

f. The? ?study? ?paid? ?the? ?subjects? ?$50? ?for? ?a? ?coffin? ?and? ?burial? ?services.

a. Did? ?that? ?seem? ?fair? ?to? ?you?? ?Why? ?or? ?why? ?not?

b. If? ?the? ?study? ?had? ?been? ?done? ?exactly? ?the? ?same? ?way? ?it? ?was? ?actually? ?done,? ?but? ?the payment? ?to? ?subjects? ?had? ?been? ?$100,000,? ?would? ?that? ?have? ?seemed? ?fair? ?to? ?you?

g. What? ?were? ?the? ?cultural? ?and? ?interpersonal? ?forces? ?that? ?permitted? ?the? ?Tuskegee study? ?to? ?continue? ?for? ?40? ?years?

h. What? ?events,? ?both? ?in? ?the? ?United? ?States? ?and? ?around? ?the? ?world,? ?occurred? ?during the? ?time? ?of? ?study? ?that? ?might? ?help? ?us? ?understand? ?why? ?the? ?study? ?was? ?conducted?

i. Why? ?is? ?it? ?important? ?to? ?obtain? ?informed? ?consent?? ?How? ?might? ?informed? ?consent have? ?changed? ?the? ?outcome? ?of? ?this? ?study?

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Dissertation: Describe how this study impacts the attitude of african
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