i. Choose an element of cosmology that you want to focus on (Earth, Heavens or Sea)
ii. Find two cultural perspectives (other than the Hebrew perspective in the Scriptures) and describe how they thought of the element you chose. Be sure to choose a cosmogony from the Ancient Near East only. You can find other ANE perspectives in Chapter 2 of Greenwood! Note: the ancient near east is a specific time AND place close to when the Bible was written. The Islamic creation story is not in the ANE. It is in a similar geographic location but written a thousand years after much of the OT. The Hindu creation story is not in the ANE. It was written in a similar time period but written in a very different geographic location.
iii. Find the equivalent perspective in the Hebrew Scriptures and describe how they thought of the element you chose. You can find an overview of the specific element of cosmology in Chapter 3 of Greenwood!
iv. Be sure to note any similarities and differences and include any relevant sources
v. Finally, add why you think that these similarities (in particular) exist between ancient cosmologies being sure to supplement your argument with evidence where possible