
Describe how thermal pollution affects an aquatic system


1. Answer each question with at least 150 words per. Also, please use APA format with correct citations and references:

1. Discuss the relevance of bankfull or channel forming flows in terms of stream channel morphology.

2. Explain hydrologic functions and processes that influence fluvial geomorphology and the resulting landscape features such as valleys, terraces, floodplains, and the bankfull flow condition.

3. What is BOD? Why is it sometimes referred as BOD5? Why is it very important in the study and analysis of water?

4. When analyzing BOD and dissolved oxygen in a stream, the Streeter-Phelps equation is a good tool. What is this equation about? and what does it measure?

5. Describe how thermal pollution affects an aquatic system.

6. Does clear-cutting of forests cause flooding to increase? If so, explain why.

7. What methods are available to estimate changes in water yield caused by changes in vegetative cover?

8. Identify and describe the different physical, chemical, and biological pollutants associated with different types of land use that can occur on upland watersheds.

2. Stream Types and Environmental Consequences:

Look up C4 and G4 Stream Types in Watershed Hydrology in order to understand their structure and factors. The total word count for this assignment should be around 500 words.

1. C4 stream type occurs during the most favorable ecological conditions. Describe the land-use practices and/or hydrological factors that contribute to morphology with the C4 Stream Type.

2. G4 stream type occurs in the least favorable ecological conditions. Describe the land-use practices and/or hydrological factors that contribute to morphology with the G4 Stream Type.

3. Locate a current ecological event Los Angeles, California that mimics both stream type occurrences you have described above.

Include the following:

• Describe the hydrological status, positive and negative, for both cases.

• Discuss implications for the overall watershed.

• Discuss land-use practices that contributed to stream morphology for both cases.

• Discuss implications for nutrient introduction, if any.

• Discuss potential regulatory implications for any negative impacts to water quality.

• Use APA style formatting.

• The word count should total 450 to 500 words total

Please use correct APA Format, with citations and references.

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Other Subject: Describe how thermal pollution affects an aquatic system
Reference No:- TGS01984098

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