
Describe how the skills you have learned and the strengths

Imagine that it is one year from now. Write a formal letter to me dated one year from now that starts as follows: Dear Professor Drehmer: I have been extraordinarily successful because.

As you look backward in time in your mind, notice who you have become, how you have accomplished the things you have accomplished, and what obstacles you faced in getting there.

Notice how you navigated each of those obstacles. Notice and describe how the skills you have learned and the strengths you have discovered aided you in your journey, and how you have changed.

This is not about expectations to live up to, but possibilities to live into.

Creativity and fantasy are called for in this assignment. In this letter, you are to tell, in as much detail as you can, the story of what will have happened to you by this time next year that is in line with this extraordinary grade.

In writing this letter, place yourself into the future, looking back, detailing the insights you acquired and the milestones you attained as if those accomplishments were already in the past.

This is a letter about you, not about the class, although I hope that this class was influential in your life.

You may find it helpful to review your cogitation memos, your strengths profile, coaching experiences, lectures and discussions in preparing this letter.

Again, this is a letter about you, not about the class. Phrases like "I hope", "I intend" or "I will" must not appear, everything must be in the past tense.

You can talk about specific goals reached, but, and this is a big but, I am most interested in the person you will have become by next year.

I am Executive Coaching: Leadership in a VUCA Business Environment Page 5 interested in attitude, feelings, and world view who will have done all she wished to do or become everything he wanted to be. I want you to fall passionately in love with the person you are describing in that letter.

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Operation Management: Describe how the skills you have learned and the strengths
Reference No:- TGS02846993

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