Describe how the plan would play

Assignment task:

Topic: Community Emergency Preparedness

Prompt: Planning is a key skill for public health professionals. Search the internet for examples of existing community plans of approaches to disaster preparation in public health organizations. Your goal for this discussion board is to create a vision and describe a planning scenario of the future based on the information you have gathered, addressing who, what, where, how, when, and why. Here are required elements for developing your scenario in your DB Forum: Introduce the Plan Describe Population and Place Delineate the name and mission of the organization List all union member organizations and the activities/services that are identified as partners in response to a community disaster/emergency. Describe if the plan has an evaluation component, overview the evaluation and critique if it's appropriate. Create an emergency scenario based on the community plan you identified. Describe how the plan would play out by addressing who, what, where, how, when, why For your thread: You may write your narrative on a word document and attach to the forum or, click start a new thread and include a descriptive title for your post or Ensure you identify or indicate each question in your discussion/narrative Respond in the form of text (instructions) **NOTE: NO REPLIES REQUIRED** The reference need to be peer reviewed articles or reliable sources such as (CDC,WHO,etc...)

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Reference No:- TGS03372500

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