The events of September 11, 2001, had a significant impact on Bombardier and other plane manufacturers, That same year, Bombardier expanded considerably through acquisitions in its rail and recreational groups. According to Pierre Beaudoin, CEO since 2008, ". . . [as a result,] a lot of the rocks came to the surface in terms of Bombardier's capabilities and structure." He notes that ". . . in 2001, we had an organization that was very proud of being number one . . . But when we talked to our customers, they were saying we weren't very good.
Beaudoin and his leadership team soon realized that the company's managers, while acknowledging that there were problems, insisted that the problems were not in their departments. They surveyed their employees and the employees observed that the company focused too much on hardware. Based on the survey results and on observing the managers, Beaudoin realized that Bombardier would need to move beyond particular fixes and needed to get to the core of the company. As Beaudoin put it, "[We] needed employees to understand we were flying people, not planes."67 Beaudoin then made the decision to focus on culture to transform Bombardier. Beaudoin indentified identified three priorities-creating a rewarding and safe workplace, providing excellent customer service, and reducing waste-and then asked Bombardier's top leaders how they would realize the priorities. One of the many challenges that Beaudoin faced was employees wondering why he had decided to focus on "soft" issues such as creating a rewarding workplace. However, Beaudoin also emphasized that "hard" goals needed to be met, for example a $500 million performance improvement gain. Bombardier has enjoyed a financial performance above analysts' expectations. In the three months ending January 2011, Bombardier's income was $325 million; analysts commented that "the results . . . signalled strong opportunities for a turnaround"
Identify issue and strategy Used
Describe how the Incremental Decision Process Model. And the strategy Used
Outline Any other Model That May Unfolded In the Case
Use additional research and experiences to prove your case.