1. When are photons likely to be emitted in the Franck- Hertz experiment?
2. Is an electron most strongly bound in an H, He+, or Li++ atom? Explain.
3. Why do we refer to atoms as being in the "ground" state or "stationary"? What does an "excited" state mean?
4. What lines would be missing for hydrogen in an ab- sorption spectrum? What wavelengths are missing for hydrogen in an emission spectrum?
5. Why can't the Bohr model be applied to the neutral He atom? What dif?culties do you think Bohr had in modifying his model for He?
6. Describe how the hydrogen atom might absorb a photon of energy less than 13.6 eV. Describe a process by which a 9.8-eV photon might be absorbed. What about a 15.2-eV photon?