Assignment task: You will have the opportunity to choose from the following topics. HOWEVER, you ONLY PICK and
WRITE about ONE.
Now, with this assignment you have to select and fully explore a particular theory; the pros and cons; the evolution of the theory, and what the theory actually says. You need to put the theory and other literature in your own words; however, you must properly cite other's work (otherwise it is plagiarism). Citing material simply gives credit to those individuals whose ideas you are using. You have to emphasize the theory that you chose and make that the center of your paper because in this class you are trying to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in this particular area (to myself and your Academic Coach).
Additionally, this class is all about theory so, I want to make sure that you know how to use it properly. The use of a theory helps support your position and gives you credibility in what you write.
Address the issue in full, being absolutely certain to do so not as a layperson, but as a healthcare organizational behavior expert. Make sure to reference a particular theory and findings in scholarly peer reviewed articles, etc. to justify your positions. Merely providing personal opinions which are unsupported is insufficient for this assignment.
Option #l
The field of Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of individual and group dynamics within an organization setting. A significant development in the field of came in 1957 when Douglas McGregor proposed two theories of how managers view employees: Theory X (negative/pessimistic) and Theory Y (positive/optimistic). These two contrasting theories help explain how manager's view individuals, motivations, and behaviors. Theory X states that employees are unintelligent and inherently lazy, which means that managers should closely monitor employee' behavior and have structures in place to maximize output. Theory Y views employees as creative and competent and that individuals thrive when they have meaningful work and are allowed opportunities to be involved in leadership and decision making activities.
The workplace is more nuanced than these two extreme viewpoints. However, we must be able to successfully manage our employees. Healthcare is a highly complex and regulated industry. Scope-of practice, mandatory staffing levels, and life and death decisions are par for the course. Utilizing existing theory(s), propose and justify a management model in which to successfully manage employees in a healthcare context. Keep proposals in the bounds of rationality. Make sure that you fully explore your theory to substantiate your position. Feel free to cite studies that support your position.
Possible deliverables - you do not have to address these, but these are just ideas in case you are stuck.
- Describe how the healthcare industry is unique ( or similar) to other industries. Think about the deliverables, processes, and regulations that may support/hinder your proposed theoretical management structure.
- Explore how your selected management approach/philosophy may vary per different employment levels (i.e. admin, physicians, RNs, LPNs, CNAs).
- Utilizing literature regarding your selected theory identify the pros and cons of this approach.
- Identify some of the barriers/facilitators to implementing this approach in the real-world.
Option #2:
Diversity is described as the full range of human similarities and the differences in group affiliation including gender, race/ethnicity, social class, role within an organization, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, and other group identities. The demographics of the United States have changed dramatically in the past three decades and will continue to change. These changes are reflective in the patients we serve and our healthcare workforce. These changes are affecting the delivery of health services from both the patients and the employee's perspective.
We may have an unconscious bias that affects the way we interact with others. Identify a theory that may explain why we treat people of certain genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, and/or ages differently. Pick one dimension to explore in depth (i.e. race, ethnicity, country-of-origin, religion, sexual orientation, sexual identity, age). Explore if this is an issue in healthcare as it relates to quality-of-care, access-to-care, workforce, and leadership. Using theory and existing literature make a case as to why this is important for healthcare organizations to address and how we can address this issue in a diverse workforce. It is recommended that you address the issue of "diversity," "equity," and "inclusion" in your exploration of this issue.
Possible deliverables - you do not have to address these, but these are just ideas in case you are stuck.
Using current literature, describe the current environment as it relates to diversity in healthcare
- How can we address unconscious biases and why is this important to the delivery of care?
- What are the ramifications of unconscious biases if these issues are not addressed?
- Can organizations be diverse but not inclusive? How can we address that?
- What are the barriers/facilitators to addressing these issues?
- Using established literature how can we effectively address these issues?
- How can organizations build open and supporting environments?
Option #3:
Attitudes and perceptions can be derived from a multitude of inputs, interactions, experiences, beliefs, and other factors. Our attitudes/perceptions can influence our decisions, behaviors, and relationships with others. Attitudes/perceptions can be altered and/or changed over time by addressing the cognitive and emotional aspects. Some attitudes/perceptions are not rooted in reality, and we may equate certain qualities to individuals based on preconceived notions. Identify a theory that explains how attitudes/perceptions are formed and what are some of the consequences of attitudes/perceptions. Citing the literature how can our attitudes/perceptions led us to make biased decisions (i.e. think about social perception, halo effect, contrast effects, projection, stereotyping, Pygmalion effect, etc.) How can these negatively impact our workforce relationships, delivery-of-care, governance, promotion, and employee selection decisions? Utilizing the literature, provide suggestions on how attitudes/perceptions may be minimized in management.
Possible deliverables - you do not have to address these, but these are just ideas in case you are stuck.
- Using current literature, describe how attitudes/perceptions are formed
- Why is understanding the significance of attitudes/perceptions important for management decisions (i.e. how female leaders are perceived as compared to male leaders).
- What are the ramifications of allowing our attitudes/perceptions to make all the decisions?
- How can we overcome our attitudes/perceptions in making appropriate decisions?
- Using established literature how can we effectively address these issues?
- How can organizations build open and supporting environments?
Option #4:
"Communication is perhaps one of the greatest challenges facing managers and leaders today" (Hicks, 2011). In healthcare, this is perhaps even a greater challenge because miscommunication can lead to ineffective management, misunderstandings, and contribute to poor patient outcomes. Communication in healthcare, goes beyond managers and employees but includes, patients, caregivers, families, and everyone involved in the continuum of care. Utilizing theory or conceptual frameworks, explore the communication process, including but not limited to feedback loops, types of communication models, and communication channels. Be sure to include barriers to communication between the sender and receiver, such as, the environmental and personal factors. To narrow the scope of this paper, make sure you identify the parties involved in the communication process and utilizing the literature cite specific challenges in these communication feedback loops. Examining the literature for best practices, identify
opportunities to facilitate effective communication between multiple parties. These parties that have been studied and validated.
Possible deliverables - you do not have to address these, but these are just ideas in case you are stuck.
- What issues lead to communication failures?
- How can parties overcome barriers to effective communication?
- How does communication differ in a healthcare setting (i.e. differing levels of authority, such as, top-down communication, or team based)?
- What are the different forms and levels of feedback
- How is the selected communication framework utilized in effective communication
- If discussing communication between providers and patients, how does the lack of health literacy play a role?
- What has the literature identified as best practices to overcome ineffective communication
Option #5:
Motivating individuals can often be one of the most difficult tasks of a manager/HR. Everyone is unique and we are all motivated by different factors (i.e. money, autonomy, time-off, recognition). Within organizations, often resources can be constrained, which may hamper efforts to motivate individuals.
Motivating employees comes from establishing an organizational structure, culture, and environment that provides opportunities to satisfy the employees intrinsic and extrinsic needs. There are several theories of motivation - in this paper, you need to pick a theory and fully explore how and why it would be appropriate to motivate employees. Feel free to write about a specific process, content, or attribution theory. Make sure that you identify the pros and cons of the specific theory. There are some theories of motivation that the organization may not be able to satisfy, so be able to substantiate your position with studies and peer-reviewed literature. If there are barriers to a specific theory, make sure that you identify these and using the literature, explore opportunities to reduce or mitigate these factors. For some theories, there may be multiple steps or processes, if you want to focus on a particular element for an in-depth exploration that is acceptable.
Possible deliverables - you do not have to address these, but these are just ideas in case you are stuck.
- Why is motivation in healthcare organizations important?
- What are some of the issues that arise from demotivation?
- Explore your theory of motivation and state why it is the most effective or comprehensive approach as compared to other motivational strategies?
- What is the most common model of motivation and is it effect or not (base your position on the literature and not personal opinion).
- In healthcare, per the literature, what are models that are the most effective? Does context or the parties involved matter?
- What are the elements of effective motivation strategies?
- What are the components of your motivational plan?
Option #6:
Politics .. .it is almost a "dirty" word nowadays. Within all organizations, there are examples of organizational politics. You may try to avoid it like the plague or you may be in the center of it.
Regardless, in this topic selection, you will explore the issue of organizational politics. Identify a theory/framework in which to explore the issue of organizational politics. Identify the various types of political behaviors. Using peer-reviewed literature extrapolate on whether the behaviors are good or bad for the organization. Feel free to explore the issue of influence tactics as it relates to organizational politics. Be able to explore and explain the tactics that individuals utilize to influence the behavior of those in higher positions. Explore how different political behaviors may be viewed in different healthcare organizational cultures. For some theories/frameworks, there may be multiple steps or processes, if you want to focus on a particular element for an in-depth exploration that is acceptable.
Possible deliverables - you do not have to address these, but these are just ideas in case you are stuck.
- Explore the issue of organizational politics in healthcare organizations.
- What are some of the issues that arise from organizational politics?
- Is politics inherently good or bad? Before you respond, think about upward influence.
- Utilizing the literature provide an example of organizational politics and/or behaviors. Identify whether it is positive or negative. Use peer-reviewed literature to substantiate your position.
- Explore your theory/framework of organizational politics and state why it is the most effective or comprehensive approach as compared to other political strategies/frameworks?
- What is the most common model of organizational politics and is it effect or not (base your position on the literature and not personal opinion).
- In healthcare, per the literature, how can organizational politics be good or bad? Are there any behaviors that are the most effective? Does context or the parties involved matter? What are the implications of identified behaviors?
- What are the components of your selected organizational politics theory/framework?