
Describe how the different social science disciplines have

Describe how the different social science disciplines have contributed to the development of our understanding of fathering. Students will be evaluated on the basis of their demonstrated competence in accurately describing the link between the specific social science disciplines and their applications to the specific fathering themes (measurement, race, correlates). Sources will be provided.

The paper will require you to locate primary sources. Students should identify three scholarly sources from each of the social science disciplines (anthropolgy, sociology, and psychology) and accurately utilize research findings from the primary sources to evaluate the link between the specific social science disciplines and their applications to the specific fathering themes of measurement, race and correlates. The paper should be at least 8 pages in length; 10 pages maximum. The total number of pages does not include the title page and the reference page. The individual paper on the date of the final examination scheduled for the course.

Things to focus on:

-the different perspectives of father involvement across cultures.

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Dissertation: Describe how the different social science disciplines have
Reference No:- TGS01496598

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