
Describe how the concept of multifactorial etiology relates

Read the below scenario and answer the questions that follow:

Discussion 1-

Nursing services are an important part in caring for the patients and providing them the relief they need. From patients with chronic health conditions to patients who need elder care, nursing has proved itself as an important aspect. People now prefer sending their elder parents to a daycare nurses for nursing services.

How often have you come across the terms public health nursing, community health nursing, and community based nursing in your environment? Do you think it is a good idea to distinguish between them? Justify your answer.

Compare the nursing codes of ethics for your specialty practice, national, and international practice areas. How do they differ? Does it make sense to have more than one code of ethics for nurses? Give reasons for your point of view.

b) Role of the Community Health Nurse

Obtain a job description for a community health nurse or interview a public health nurse to answer the following questions:

Which concept of public health nursing does their practice reflect?

Which concept is emphasized in their job description?

Does a correlation exist between their job description and their practice?

Are the nurses involved in policy formulation that affects client services?

In the settings you have observed, which concept (in your opinion) is the most effective for implementation? What is your rationale?

Discussion 2-

New Opportunities in Community Settings

Community based nursing has new opportunities in community settings. The rationale for these opportunities is the change in demographics, change in disease patterns, increase in the chronic illness and reform in the health financing system. Now various health communities play an important role in representing the new and advanced way of providing community nursing to a large group of population.

On the basis of your reading, answer the following questions:

The conceptual frameworks applied to community-oriented nursing practice expand the scope of nursing care by addressing non-medical aspects of health. Those who are not familiar with healthcare perceive nurses as providers of hands-on care only. Suggest ways to change this perception.

What makes nursing case management special? Is it appropriate for everyone? Give reasons.

Populations can be defined by inclusion or exclusion criteria, using one or many of either type. Using factors in addition to medical tests, diagnoses, and so forth, prioritize the characteristics you think are important in defining a population for community health nursing.

Health care Community Services

Identify four organizations in your community that deliver primary health care. Based on the objective material that you can obtain, determine whom each organization serves; what services each provides; and where each organization gets its funding from. Also evaluate the relative value of each organization's services to individuals and families in the community.

Discussion 3-

Epidemiological Applications

Describe how the concept of multifactorial etiology relates to the natural history of disease and the different levels of prevention. How should the nurse incorporate these concepts into health promotion of clients in community settings? How should the nurse approach client risk in these health promotion activities?

Disease Outbreak

Select an infectious disease and research the CDC website for information about the disease, its natural history, presenting symptoms, and outbreak characteristics. Identify an occurrence of the disease by searching the Internet for recent reports of this disease, and compare that episode or occurrence with information from the CDC website. How closely did that outbreak resemble the case definition?

Discussion 4-

Faith Based Nurse

Review Healthy People 2020. Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention. Describe how faith communities can contribute to the accomplishment of these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of improving the health of the public. How can nurses working in the community form partnerships with parish nurses and faith communities? How would such partnerships be beneficial?

Collaboration, Community, and Care

Describe the strategic roles of your local and state health departments in the accomplishment of health care promotion and goals. Discuss the need for collaboration and partnerships with existing groups and why new groups are crucial to this process. How could nurses in public health assist clients to modify unhealthy behaviors and develop strategies to improve their health?

Discussion 5-

Family Health Risks

A nurse conducts an assessment on a young family with a new baby boy. The husband has recently been promoted to a higher paying position but is not sure if he will be making enough money to move a new apartment in a safer neighborhood. Based on this information, the nurse determines that this family currently has risk factors. Identify those risk factors associated with the young family. Discuss possible interventions or resources for the family using the resources available in your community.


Readings indicate that even as multiculturalism gains support in the United States and other countries, many people from different cultures continue to experience marginalization, including those with health disparities. Search and retrieve a primary research article from the South University Online Library on this topic. Summarize a brief report and include innovative suggestions to minimize marginalization.

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Reference No:- TGS01100359

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