Discussion Scenario & Questions: In this week's discussion post, you are going give a contract. Feel free to use online resources but remember that there is a risk to you if you do: courts will interpret legal terms according to their technical meaning-not how you intend to you them. Often "plain English" is better than big, fancy legal terms when writing a contract to reflect your agreement with another party.
You are Justin Quesadilla and you own the Taco 'Bout It food truck that serves amazing tacos on the South Omaha campus to hungry students and staff. Your food vendor decided to retire, so you have been looking for another local vendor from whom you can purchase ingredients. After interviewing potential vendors, you decide to purchase ingredients from Fresh Farms, which is owned and operated by Fred Farmer.
I. Topic Requirements:
A. Give a contract for the ingredients that you will need to purchase for your food truck.
B. Remember to include what your needs are, pricing, payment method and timing, as well as provisions for if things go wrong with the deliveries, etc.
C. Good contracts anticipate problems and give the parties guidance about how problems will be resolved (i.e. who assumes the risk, types of damages, dispute resolution procedures if necessary, etc.).
II. Reflection Questions:
A. Describe something from the learning materials in this module that you found the most confusing at first. In what way(s) did you resolve your confusion (e.g., discussed with classmates, did further reading, consulted the instructor, etc.)? (Note that saying "Nothing" or the equivalent is not an acceptable response to this question.)
B. Describe how something that you learned in this module will most likely change your behavior now or in the future. (Note that saying "Nothing" or the equivalent is not an acceptable response to this question.)