
Describe how societal trend affect nursing-patient education

Assignment Task: Benchmark - Societal Trends in Nursing and Patient Education Paper

Select a societal trend that is affecting curriculum in nursing or patient education.

Describe how the selected societal trend affects nursing or patient education.

1. Relate the issue to appropriate professional standards and competencies.

2. Explore strategies to enhance the positive affect or minimize the negative affect of the selected issue.

3. Use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources less than 5 years old in addition to the course materials.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.


1. Provide abstract

2. Selects a historically relevant, currently hot-button societal trend affecting nursing or patient education.

3. Clearly & comprehensively addresses the significance of selected trend.

4. Clearly relates issue to appropriate professional standards and competencies.

5. Thoroughly explores strategies to enhance the positive impact or minimize the negative impact of the selected issue.

6. Excellent selection of sufficient & relevant literature (less than 5 years old) at least 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed references used - other than course materials) Uses evidence-based sources when available.

7. Excellent adherence to assignment length criteria (within stated criteria).

8. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

9. There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.

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Tags: Societal Trends in Nursing and Patient Assignment Help, Societal Trends in Nursing and Patient Homework Help, Societal Trends in Nursing and Patient Coursework, Societal Trends in Nursing and Patient Solved Assignments

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Other Subject: Describe how societal trend affect nursing-patient education
Reference No:- TGS03043643

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