
Describe how perception changes

Demonstrate an understanding of perception as it relates to three altered states of consciousness. To do this, you will need to review the function and process of perception in normal settings and describe how perception changes depending on the states of consciousness you choose to cover.In addition to providing the factual information to address the topic above, make sure you include your own discussion, examples, and applications of the material to demonstrate your understanding of the content and ability to critically think about the topics. TTW must be at least 350 words ,with at least 3-5 paragraphs discussing the chosen weekly topic. A paragraph must have at least 3 sentences. The first paragraph should introduce the topic and describe what the TTW is going to discuss, such as "In this mini-paper, the following will be elaborated on:

(a) state the first area that you will discuss;

(b) the second; and

(c) third here and so on.Then, the body of the paper elaborates on each item that was mentioned in paragraph one. The second paragraph should discuss the first area

(a), the third paragraph should discuss the second area

(b), and so on. The last paragraph should begin with "In conclusion," OR "In summary." This allows the reader to know the end is near and that this paragraph will give a quick closing and review of the TTW. Each TTW must use at least 2 sources, of which the text can be one and a credible journal or Internet article the other. Cite and reference your sources using APA style. There are APA resources in the Baker Online Library. Make sure you are telling the reader where you are getting your factual information within the text of your essay as well as including full references for sources used at the end of your assignment.

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Humanities: Describe how perception changes
Reference No:- TGS0552971

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