Describe how marketing segmentation helps identify target markets.
Explain each of the common bases for segmenting consumer markets.
Identify the criteria necessary for achieving effective segmentation.
Describe basic strategies for satisfying consumers in particular target markets.
Explain the purpose of positioning and give examples of different positioning strategies.
Explain the steps in the marketing research process.
Distinguish between primary and secondary data and identify ways to obtain each kind of data.
Explain the different sampling techniques used by marketing researchers.
Explain how using computer technology in marketing information systems (MISs), marketing decision support systems (MDSSs), data mining, business intelligence, and competitive intelligence can enhance marketing decision making.
Identify the major types of forecasting methods.
Contrast transaction-based marketing and relationship marketing.
Explain basic elements of relationship marketing.
Outline the relationship marketing continuum.
Indicate how internal marketing plays a major role in relationship marketing.
Give examples of how marketers of consumer goods and services build positive buyer-seller relationships.
Explain customer relationship management (CRM) and how technology is used to build customer relationships.
Identify different types of partnerships in B2B marketing.
Describe cooperative techniques that buyers and sellers in the B2B markets use.