
Describe how hox genes can control the body plan of animals


A. Describe the difference among Viridiplantae, Streptophyta, and Embryophyta and in your opinion which is the most valid "kingdom". Explain your answer.

B. Why aren't organisms in the division Phaeophyta (Brown algae) included in any of the plant "kingdoms" described in question 1 (please be specific).

C. What is the difference between heterospory and homospory and in your opinion which is the most successful (Be specific).

D. Describe the life cycle of a typical fern (Pterophyta); please focus on the process of alternation of generations.

E. In your opinion which is the most successful phylum of gymnosperms (please use specific examples).

F. Explain the process of double fertilization seen in angiosperms.

G. Many angiosperms rely upon both pollinating agents and seed dispersal agents, what are the advantages and disadvantages to these two means for fertilization and seed dispersal.

H. Describe how Hox genes can control the body plan of animals.

I. What specifically does "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" mean and how accurate is this statement?

J. In your opinion what is the most successful animal phylum? Explain your answer.

K. Why are grades sometime a better way to classify animals than clades, and why are clades sometimes better than grades to classify animals.

L. Describe the life cycle of a typical cnidarian (such as a hydrozoan).

M. Describe the difference between the sister taxa, Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa, in your opinion which is more successful?

N. In your opinion, which group is more successful, Cephalochordata or Urochordata (please explain your answer

O. What are Sarcopterygians and how did these organisms lead to the terrestrial vertebrates?

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Science: Describe how hox genes can control the body plan of animals
Reference No:- TGS03273872

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