
Describe how e-commerce will be used in the business


You developed a design and comprehensive outline for the Student Portfolio. Each portfolio project you complete during the Walden program will become one of the work samples in the Student Portfolio.


For the portfolio project in this course, you will be tasked with creating an E-Business System Report on the company you work for or, if you are not currently employed, a company that you choose to research.

The required elements for the paper are documented in the Portfolio Project Template, which is located under the Doc Sharing tab. The paper should follow APA style and formatting.


Create an original essay of 3-5 pages, entitled "E-Business System Report for XYZ Company". (Replace XYZ Company with the actual company name.)

Five main areas will be covered in this report. They are "Introduction", " Information Resources", "System Specification", "Electronic Commerce" and "Emerging Trends and Technologies".

Your Portfolio must be carefully edited for grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, format, and APA adherence. The paper should include:

• Title page

• Page numbers

• Main headings for each section (Introduction, Information Resources, System Specification, Electronic Commerce, and Emerging Trends and Technologies)

• Sub-headings as necessary to stay organized and clear for the reader

• In-text citations (not footnotes)

• Reference list (must use at least four outside references in APA format)

The 3- to 5-page length specification is for the main body of the paper, and does not include the Title or Reference pages.


• Give a brief introduction of the company. Include company name, purpose, number of employees, etc.

Information Resources

• Discuss how the business plans to use the following resources: people, hardware, software, information/data, and network.
• Describe the role of Information Systems in the particular business.
• Identify how Porter's Five Forces Model comes into play in the company.

System Specification

• Explain what the employees, customers, suppliers, or other end users need from a computer system.

• Suggest a type of system to use in the business. Describe this system in terms of hardware, application software, operating system, network infrastructure, pricing comparison, and support/warranty information.

Electronic Commerce

• Considering the possible combinations of business, consumers, and government, which best describes the company? For example, you might select Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C)? Explain your choice.

• Describe how e-commerce will be used in the business.

Emerging Trends and Technologies

• Describe which emerging trends and technologies could be put into play in the business and why those trends/technologies were chosen.

• Explain how these trends/technologies could be used to their full potential.

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Dissertation: Describe how e-commerce will be used in the business
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