1. Describe how Cassio acts when he lands at Cyprus, especially when Desdemona comes ashore (II,1, line 42-97)
2. Why does Iago verbally attack his wife at II,1, line 99-110?
3. According to Iago what is all the most accomplished woman in the world is good for? (II,1,lines 146-158)
4. Explain what Iago is talking about at II, 1, lines 165-175
5. How does Iago convince Roderigo that Cassio is in love with Desdemona? (II,1, lines 215-245)
6. What is ironic about Roderigo's response to this news at II,1, lines 248-249?
7. In Act I, 3 we hear how Othello's life story helped win the love of Desdemona. In Act II, 1, lines 220-225 we learn Iago's reaction to the same story. What?
8. What has changed since I, 3, in Iago's explanation of why he wants revenge on Othello and others? (II, 1, lines 285-311) Why has it changed?