This week you begin designing a small office/home office (SOHO) network for your home, along with a plan to secure it.
Requirements are listed below. This week's assignment is to submit a draft of your project for feedback.
Next week, you submit your final version of the project.
Requirements: Your network design must include the following:
• A physical topology map with logical topology labels on it.
o Include an icon for at least one device for every member of the household. You are welcome to add more if people have phones, tablets, etc. that are connected.
o Label each device with an IP Address of your choosing.
• Internet access: Label the point of entry/ exit.
• Describe how access to the network will be controlled.
• Describe how local access to the devices themselves will be controlled.
Project Deliverables -Two documents to submit
• Network Topology design diagram, with all devices labeled
o Can be done with MSWord, Visio, or Powerpoint
o Alternatively, the network can be done in Packet Tracer and a screenshot supplied
This is more fun because you can test the connectivity
• Services and Security plan for the network (1+ pages)
o An MS Word document that includes the following:
List of any services your network may include
Describe the practices you would use to secure this network.
o Cite any sources that you used to create your service and security plan