
Describe how a fundraising system is different from an

1: Describe how a fundraising system is different from an earnedincome strategy. Be sure to discuss how some of the software applications thatare available to assist nonprofit organizations fit into the fundraising system.

2: Some scholars in nonprofit management recommend that organizations create policies requiring that members of their Boards of Directors make financial contributions to the nonprofit organizations they serve. What do we think about this?

3: A hypothetical nonprofit organization has applied for a grant from a private foundation that has strong ties to your board of directors and the local community. The grant officer at the foundation is a longtime friend and yesterday she called you to congratulate you about receiving the award. The award comes at a very good time, with donations down, you were worried that you might have to let one of your employees go. The grant officer also informed you that with the economy being "what it is" funding for the project in future years might not be available. As the conversation wound down, she mentioned that her godson Billy, the son of a local County Legislator, recently graduated from college and is looking for work. The grant officer mentioned that your grant is in an area in which Billy has expressed an interest, and the foundation might be in a position to double the grant this year (allowing you to hire an additional staff member). This is all contingent upon their foundation's board meeting that night, and she said that she'd forward Billy's resume with the paperwork for the grant. The next day you get the contract and Billy's resume (below). What do you do about Billy?

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Dissertation: Describe how a fundraising system is different from an
Reference No:- TGS01690042

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