
Describe how a black hole forms


In your own words, what creates Earthquakes? ( 200 word minimum)

Discuss below in a 100 words each:

In your own words, briefly describe how a black hole forms.

In your own words, explain why Pluto was "demoted" to a dwarf planet.

In your own words, contrast terrestrial and Jovian planets.

Discuss below in a 200 words each:

What is the most accurate method to calculate the distance to the stars? What are the limitations of this method? What are some other ways to estimate stellar distances? What unit of measurement is most commonly used to describe the distances between stars and/or galaxies? How does knowing the distance help classify a star?

When comparing tornadoes and hurricanes, which do you consider more destructive and why? You might compare how they differ in size, speed, predictability, or damage. Have you ever experienced either? Describe your experience.

Discuss below in a 200 words each:

Part I: It has been stated that we know more about the surface of the moon than we do the oceans. Compare what you have learned in Unit V with this Unit. Do you think, as a nation, we should invest more resources in space exploration or in ocean exploration? Why? Support your answer.

Part II: Briefly describe one thing (from discussion boards, assessments, or readings) you learned in this class that will probably stick with you for a long time. Was there a topic that you struggled with?

Discuss below in a 200 words each:

1. Ensuring employee safety should be an organizational priority, not only from a legal standpoint but also an ethical standpoint. When an employee is injured at work, it can invoke several different employment laws depending on the employer, such as: OSHA, ADA, FMLA, and workers' compensation. HR professionals are put to the test when such injuries occur as balancing these areas can be difficult, and regrettably work injuries, despite safety measures put in place, occur. Sometimes, however, injuries happen due to disregard to the safety rules or for not reporting a potentially unsafe condition. How can organizations encourage employees to follow the safety rules and minimize work injuries? Be specific in your response.

2. Throughout course we explored many aspects of HRM, and none draws more heartburn for HR professionals than compensation and benefits. Let's be honest, for most of us the reason we work is that we need the money and/or benefits. Compensation practices have a simple history: the organization pays as little as it can while the employee tries to earn as much as he or she can. This very struggle helped give rise to unions.

But today's workforce is more complex than ever. We now refer to compensation and benefits as Total Rewards. Research has proven that for many employees, money isn't everything because although money is needed to survive, at some point it begins to lose its motivational value for myriad of reasons. In this way, HR professionals can interpret total rewards to mean more than just compensation and benefits and divide the system between extrinsic and intrinsic values. For this final discussion, if money is not the chief motivator, what other extrinsic and intrinsic values can HR professionals recommend to leadership to help attract and retain a quality workforce?

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Science: Describe how a black hole forms
Reference No:- TGS02003351

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