
Describe her personality in terms of consistent patterns


Part I

Find one or two articles OR chapters from a textbook (other than the course text Eric Shiaev ) that offers a definition of personality. Use his three principles of personality (consistency, causation and organization,) as a backdrop to discuss the similarities and differences for each article or chapter as compared to the course textbook's author. After this review, is your current working definition of personality now more clear or less clear? Explain your answer.


Part II

Pick someone - other than yourself - who you know very well (i.e. someone you have known for many years, have spent much time with, interacted in many situations with different people, etc). Describe his or her personality in terms of consistent patterns of behavior, mood, beliefs, perceptions, reactions, attitudes, values, etc. What has been very consistent about this person across most situations? When has this person seemed inconsistent or unpredictable compared to what you would normally expect. How does the presence of others change how he /she behaves, thinks, reacts versus when just interacting with you? Is there more about this person you know but cannot quite put into words? Explain your answer.

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