
Describe genetics of microbes or the immune response

Assignment task:

1. A. Write a summary (NOT your opinions) ofa recent (no more than 3 months old!) article found either in a newspaper or magazine or on the Internet that concerns a specific microbe in some way, or microbes in general. For example, it could concern a current ?u epidemic, a diphtheria outbreak, a new antibiotic, or the use of bioremediation. Do not choose an article regarding genetics or immunology unless the article directly relates to the genetics of microbes or the immune response to a speci?c microbe.

2. Make sure to include your name, the title of the article, the author(s), the hyperlink, if applicable, and the date of the article at the top of your summary. If there is/are a signi?cant individual or location, or interesting" statistics, make sure to include that information as well. The reference for your article in correct APA format follows the summary. Don't forget the section title for the reference.

3. Not Including your name, the article's title and source in correct APA format, and the date, your summary must contain a minimum of 5 complete sentences. The summary may include direct quotes, but any sentence that contains a direct quote will not count toward the 5 sentence minimum. Your summary must have correct grammar and spelling as well, so make sure to proof read it before posting. Your classmates will likely not be reading the original articles so your summary must present the information accurately.

4.There are a lot of people in the class, so try to ?nd something unique for your contribution. Summaries of the same article are highly discouraged. Try to ?nd something no one else has written about. Also, your comments/opinions about the article's content are not included in the summary. If you feel strongly about your article's content, you may comment on your own article in the discussion. However, comments about your own article Do NOT COUNT for credit on the assignment.

5. Please include your name in the title of the post .Post your summary in the correct discussion board. If you first write your summary in a word processor, you will not be able to add that document as an attachment. Use the keyboard copy and paste functions to paste your summary directly into the discussion. Make sure to use correct scientific nomenclature in your summary and in your comments. ' Sometimes original formatting (including italicizing organism names) is not preserved after copying into Blackboard, so check your entries carefully after posting and ?x any problems.

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Biology: Describe genetics of microbes or the immune response
Reference No:- TGS03320237

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