Describe four additional priority patient assessments

Case Scenario: You are a student nurse working on an acute medical ward. You are working with a registered nurse and are allocated 4 patients. One of those patients is Ms. Alina Santiago. Alina was admitted to the ward overnight after presenting to the emergency department (ED) with increasing shortness of breath and a productive cough. Alina is a 27-year-old female, with a past medical history of Anemia and has recently completed a course of antibiotics for an upper respiratory tract infection. Alina has been refusing oral fluids, states she is not thirsty, and is feeling fatigued. Alina has an allergy to penicillin and takes Ferro-grad C 325mg/500mg daily. Following handover, you complete a set of vital signs on Alina. You then identify the following patient problems for Alina. Patient Problems: 1. Alteration in breathing pattern. 2. Risk of fluid volume deficit. 3. Ineffective cardiac output. 4. Impaired gas exchange.

BP: 100/80 mmHg HR: 132 bpm regular RR: 23 bpm, short, shallow breaths. Temperature: 38.3°C diaphoretic SpO2: 93% Room Air (RA) Pain: 2/10 (Numerical Pain Score)

Describe four (4) additional priority patient assessments, including a rationale, that you will need to undertake to safely plan your care for Alina. All the patient assessments are relevant and described in order of priority. All assessments are supported with a detailed rationale linking to the case scenario. Referencing is in accordance with APA 7 with high accuracy and consistency.

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Reference No:- TGS03379814

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