The final project for this course is the creation of a business plan for a chosen sport organization.
The purpose of this project is for you to begin to consider which area of sport business you will enter in your professional career. This project provides you with an opportunity to create an overall business plan for a sport organization of your choice. You will create your sport business organization and consider the various aspects of sport management that go into creating and operating a business. This project is an originating point for the critical thinking and planning skills required of the sport manager. While you will most likely focus only on one or two areas addressed in this project during your professional career, the project fits into the philosophy of this course, which is to introduce and provide an overview of the sport business and management industry. Each of the anticipated course outcomes will be address throughout the project.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, and Five. The final submission will be in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
• Examine the basic historical development of sport in the United States
• Describe the management principles applied to the sport industry
• Describe the marketing principles applied to the sport industry
• Describe the financial principles applied to the sport industry
• Describe the legal principles applied to the sport industry
• Define the culture of sport and how it is separate from business
• Discuss the role of youth, high school, collegiate, professional, and international sport in the sport industry
• Identify career opportunities in sport management as well as student fieldwork opportunities
Specifically the following Critical Elements must be addressed:
1. Historical Development of Sport:
a. In your business plan, examine the basic historical development of sport in the United States.
2. Sports Industry Principles:
a. In your business plan, describe how management principles apply to the sports industry.
b. In your business plan, describe how marketing principles apply to the sport industry.
c. In your business plan, describe how financial principles apply to the sport industry.
d. In your business plan, describe how legal principles apply to the sport industry.
3. Culture of Sport:
a. In your business plan, define the culture of sport and how it is separate from business.
4. Roles in the Sport Industry:
a. In your business plan, discuss the role of youth sport in the sport industry.
b. In your business plan, discuss the role of high school sport in the sport industry.
c. In your business plan, discuss the role of collegiate sport in the sport industry.
d. In your business plan, discuss the role of professional sport in the sport industry.
e. In your business plan, discuss the role of international sport in thesport industry.
5. Field of Sport Management:
a. In your business plan, identify the career opportunities that are available in the field of sport management.
b. In your business plan, identify the student fieldwork opportunities available in the field of sport management.
Milestone One: Topic Selection of Organization
In task 2-2, you will submit your organization selection. Your submission should include a definition of your business, along with the mission and purpose of your business. This assignment should also include the targeted consumers and the goods and services that you will provide. The submission should be in the form of a 500- to 700-word proposal that describes your topic and identifies at least one specific primary source upon which your research will be based for your final project. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Initial Planning
In task 3-2, you will submit an initial plan, 2-3 pages in length. This assignment should include specific areas of revenue, expenses, and merchandise for your business. A SWOT analysis for your organization should be completed as well as the development of a primary list of activities or business opportunities. This assignment should also include your three strategic planning questions. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Strategic Planning
In task 5-2, you will submit a strategic plan, 2-3 pages in length. This assignment should include two goals for an activity or a business program that expand upon the mission and purpose you outlined in the initial plan as well as a promotional flyer to communicate the organization to potential customers and stakeholders. Equipment and supplies needed should be addressed as well as personnel that will be necessary in running the business and marketing initiatives needed to ensure the business is successful. The plan should include potential challenges and laws in sports management that your business should be aware of. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Project: Business Plan
In 7-2, you will submit a business plan, 10-12 pages in length.It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product including a basic budget of anticipated revenue, merchandise, and expenses for your business. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.