
Describe film distribution and promotion how do these two


1. If a film is made with a specific target audience in mind... can someone who doesn't exactly fit into that target audience enjoy that movie to any great extent? What factors would work for or against that person's enjoyment of the film, if they do not belong to the target audience? Ideas? Thoughts?150 words & reference

2. Essay on The Film Experience, Introduction 150 words with reference

3. should movies be used as tools for effecting social change? Or should they be left to simply entertain the masses? OR? Can they do both?

Considering your ideas/responses, include YouTube clips to help illustrate those ideas/responses.150 words with reference

Film Appreciation

Write 250-350 word answers to each of the following questions in the matrix:



Reflect on the information garnered from the Introduction in The Film Experience and answer the following question: Why should we study film? What is the value of studying films? What do films teach us? How do they reflect/create cultural value?


Reflect on the information provided in Chapter 1of The Film Experience: What are the stages of filmmaking and how does each stage condition become what we see on the screen?


Describe film distribution and promotion. How do these two aspects influence reception?


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Dissertation: Describe film distribution and promotion how do these two
Reference No:- TGS02359436

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