Describe emergent curriculum

Assignment task:

Part 1:

Read the article: Emergent Curriculum by Elizabeth Jones - The Emergence of Emergent Curriculum - ProQuest

Based on the article: Describe "Emergent Curriculum" What do advocates of this approach believe? What are the sources of Emergent Curriculum? Where do the ideas for teachers who implement emergent curriculum come from?

How do children benefit from Emergent Curriculum? As a teacher of young children would you like to use this approach? Why or why not?

Part 2:

Watch the Video:

YouTube Video: Thinking Big Extending Emergent Curriculum Projects

What's one important idea you took from the video? Why do you believe it's important? Did you see all the curriculum areas being covered such as math, science, reading, writing, language, and creative art? Explain what you observed in regards to the curriculum areas and how the children benefitted socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively.

How can you take what you have learned about project work in the video and apply it to your current or future use with students?

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Other Subject: Describe emergent curriculum
Reference No:- TGS03363334

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