Assignment task: SI Supplement Article Discussion
Q1. According to the 2007 study, what percent of supplements tested by Informed Choice contained steroids or stimulants banned by WADA?
Q2. How long does it take drug manufacturers like Merck and Pfizer to get a product from lab to the consumer? How long did it take VPX to go from idea to the store shelves?
Q3. Describe the effect of thermogenesis on exercise in the heat.
Q4. From where do the ingredients for supplements arrive? Can they be authenticated?
Q5. Why did ecdysterone become the 'steroid holy grail'? What is the actual effect of ecdysterone in humans?
Q6. What are the dangers of DHEA consumption?
Q7. What anabolic hormone did Monsterdrol contain? What was the effect of consuming this anabolic agent for as little as four months?
Q8. As a college student, what is the danger of purchasing supplements at GNC?
How do supplement companies attempt to use research?
Article: What You Don't Know Might Kill You
SUPPLEMENTS Would-be experts and untested products feed a $20 billion obsession with better performance across all levels of sports
By David Epstein