
Describe each element of consumer

1. a. Define learning.

b. Describe each element of consumer learning.

c. Explain how each of these elements affects learning.

2. a. Explain behavioral learning.

b. Explain classical conditioning and the relationship between all elements of the model, from the start to the end of the process. Apply it to a marketing example.

3. a. Explain instrumental conditioning and the concepts of reinforcement and extinction.

b. Explain the different types of reinforcement schedule and shaping in advertising and how these related to massed versus distributed learning.

4. Explain observational learning

5. Explain information processing including sensory input, rehearsal, short term and long term store, encoding, chunking, retrieval and information overload.

6. Explain cognitive learning.

7. Explain the relationship between consumer involvement and hemispheric lateralization. How this knowledge applies to communication and advertising?

1. Define attitude

2. How attitude forms? Explain and give example for how each of information, experience, personality and situation affect buyer attitude.

3. Explain the tri-component attitude model. Do not just name the components. Give full explanation of how they relate to each other and how they affect buying decision.

4. Attitude change: present three methods, with examples, by which a marketer can change buyer attitude. In each method explain what the method tries to achieve, and in what circumstance it meant to be used.

5. Multi-Attribute Attitude Models: There are five such models, from attitude toward the object model to attitude toward the ad model. Describe and explain each with examples.

1.Communication process:
a. Describe the communication model, each element, each step and the relation between them in generating flow of information between sender and receiver. Give a marketing example.
b.Compare impersonal communication and the two types of interpersonal communications, with examples.
c.Compare the traditional and the new media marketing communication channels. Add examples.
2.Barriers to communication:
a.What are the major two Barriers to communication? Explain/describe each with examples.
b.How marketers try to overcome these barriers? Explain.
a.Compare narrowcasting and broadcasting
b.Describe the uniqueness/advantages of narrowcasting, with examples.
4.Persuasive messages:
a.What a message could contain?
b.What form can a message take?
c.Describe the process the message source (Sender) has to follow in order to properly develop, target and send a message.
d.What objectives could a marketing message have?
e.On what bases the receiver decodes the message?
5.Present each feature of persuasive message, image, text, framing, one versus two sided message, and order of presentation, explain what strategic option each provides, and the advantage and the disadvantage of each strategic option.
6.Persuasive advertising appeal: Present and explain each of the five types of appeals. In each explain how it works, when it does not work (limitations).
7.Present the various measures for message effectiveness. In each explain what is measured, and how it is related to any particular stage of the persuasion process.
8.New media:
a.What is eyeballs targeting? How different it is from segmentation targeting?
b. Outline the advantages of impression based targeting.
c.Explain the concept of real-time bidding.
d.What Google has to offer marketers? Present and explain each method. Provide examples
9.Social media:
a.What data is collected from networks? Be specific.
b.What is the legal basis that gives marketers the right to act: researching, communicating, selling, etc. within the social c.networks? Explain each type of permission given.
d.Outline the five characteristics of effective social media campaign.
e.Outline the three types of social media channels.
10.Media's advertising effectiveness:
a.Describe all elements of the data used to analyze website visits.
b.What includes in Google analytics?
c.Describe Nielsen and MRI feedback on media exposure including the portable people meter.
11.Progress in traditional media: Outline new development and progress in the traditional media that better serve marketers, including out of home media and branded entertainment (product placement)

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Marketing Management: Describe each element of consumer
Reference No:- TGS0669122

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