Describe douglass views on his treatments and receptions

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Read the Life and Times of Frederick Douglass and answer the following 2 questions in essay form (sentences in paragraphs).

• Discuss Frederick Douglass' relationship with John Brown. Include in your discussion: their meetings, their differences on freeing slaves, Douglass' view (supportive or unfavorable) regarding Brown's retribution on pro-slavers in Kansas, Harper's Ferry, and the government's hunt for Douglass after Harper Ferry.

• Describe Douglass' views on his treatments and receptions in "republican" Massachusetts (a free state) with his treatment in "monarchial" Europe (England and Ireland). Also, include in your essay his views on the two voyages (to and from Europe) on the Cambia, and the bittersweet result of his return trip on that steamer.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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History: Describe douglass views on his treatments and receptions
Reference No:- TGS03122219

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