1. Functional Specifications
Design a Verilog program that performs the basic arithmetic and logic operations (ALU) on two
3-bit binary inputs, and displays the outcome on 7-segments.
• Arithmetic operations: addition and subtraction
• Logic operations: AND and OR
• Displaying results:
- For addition and subtraction: display the result using decimal digits
- For logic AND and OR: display the result using binary digits
2 Objectives
Demonstrate the ability to
1. program in Verilog to describe digital logic circuit on behavioral and gate level;
2. use Xilinx ISE for coding and synthesizing the logic design;
3. use Spartan 3 development board to implement and verify the design.
i want like this cods to use in the Xilinx program
this is Example
module seg7(bcd, leds, control, enable);
input [3:0] bcd;
input [1:0] control;
output reg [1:7] leds;
output reg [3:0] enable;
always @ (control)
case (control)
2'b00: enable = 4'b1110;
2'b01: enable = 4'b1101;
2'b10: enable = 4'b1011;
2'b11: enable = 4'b0111;
always @ (bcd)
case (bcd)
4'b0000: leds = 7'b0000001;
4'b0001: leds = 7'b1001111;
4'b0010: leds = 7'b0010010;
4'b0011: leds = 7'b0000110;
4'b0100: leds = 7'b1001100;
4'b0101: leds = 7'b0100100;
4'b0110: leds = 7'b0100000;
4'b0111: leds = 7'b0001111;
4'b1000: leds = 7'b0000000;
4'b1001: leds = 7'b0000100;
4'b1010: leds = 7'b0001000;
4'b1011: leds = 7'b1100000;
4'b1100: leds = 7'b0110001;
4'b1101: leds = 7'b1000010;
4'b1110: leds = 7'b0010000;
4'b1111: leds = 7'b0111000;
default: leds = 7'bx;