
Describe costume



Select ONE movie from the or one mentioned in class in the lecture or in the modules on Canvas.

For your movie review, provide the following:

An overview of the movie, the plot, cultural and historical details that speak to the period in which the film is set, and any references to the events of the decade that are embedded in the film.

Do not copy from a website, back of a dvd or any other source. Any student who cuts and pastes from a resource will receive 0 points. This should be in your own words and show that you actually watched the movie and a minimum of two paragraphs.

Descriptions of the fashions worn by each of the major characters in the movie. Any character important to the story line must be included and any character who's fashion is important must be included.

Describe the costume by each character.

Use costume terms. Describe costume, silhouette, details, etc. This should be thorough! Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the costume of the time in which the film is set.

Use the modules that relate to the decade in which the film is set for reference.

Write in third-person, factual. DO NOT USE "I" or "YOU" - write as reporting on the facts of the film.

Type your review, using correct grammar, proof read for spelling errors. Font should not be larger than 12 points and margins larger than 1". Text should start within 2" from the top of the first page.

MINIMUM LENGTH: Review must be a minimum of 500 words. 1 page (single spaced) or 2 pages (double spaced).

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History: Describe costume
Reference No:- TGS03151587

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