
Describe constance chatterleys upbringing

Discussion Questions Regarding Lady Chatterley's Lover, Animal Farm, and Imperial Letters:

1. Describe Constance Chatterley's upbringing. Was it "traditional"? How did Connie's life change with the advent of the war? What expectations - on the parts of her parents and of English society in general - do you think influenced her life in less-than-positive ways?

2. What was Clifford's and Connie's marriage like? How did the war affect their courtship and marriage? Without the war, do you think they would have married? How did Clifford's "war wounds" change the course of their relationship? How might Mary Wollstonecraft view their relationship? Would she have approved?

3. How did the events and aftermath of WWI seem to affect British society? How are Clifford's and Connie's experiences a microcosmic example of these effects?

4. Animal Farm is an allegory for what real historical event(s)? Which animals are intended to represent certain historical figures? How does the species of each animal seem to reflect the personalities of the real historical figures?

5. Explain the "hypocrisy of the milk" presented in the assigned excerpt; how might it reflect the hypocrisy of the real-life regime which Animal Farm is intended to critique? How does it begin to run afoul of the "commandments" instituted by the animals?

6. The Russian grand duchess' letters and journals reveal details about the lives and values of the Russian imperial family. What kind of people were they? Does this "image" portray the decadent ruling family claimed by both the communist revolutionaries and, later, the propaganda machine of the Soviet government

Video Response

Please submit your Video Response 3 as a reply to this post. There is no need to quote this post/prompt in your reply (if you do, the quoted material will NOT count toward your word minimum).

Video Responses should be about 300 words (but you are always welcome to write more). This assignment is somewhat informal, but you should still make an effort to organize your thoughts and use good grammar/correct spelling. You shouldn't need to spend longer than 25 minutes on each Video Response.

This Video Response is worth up to 25 points.

To complete this response, you need to watch the film Disneyland Goes to the World's Fair. I've linked to Youtube files containing the film in the Units Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, and Twenty-Three Module.


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Microeconomics: Describe constance chatterleys upbringing
Reference No:- TGS01874466

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