
Describe code of ethics and multicultural competencies

Assignment task: Code of Ethics and Multicultural Competencies

Part 1: For this part of the discussion, you will take a deeper look into the code of ethics appropriate for your specialty. You will also review the position papers regarding multicultural competence, social justice, and advocacy. Refer to the documents and Web sites listed in What You Need to Know to complete this activity.

Speci?cally ?nd the ethical codes along with the statements related to these speci?c areas and list them in your post:

Technology assisted counseling. Multicultural competence. Referral process. Scope of practice. Competence.

Part 2: Find a total of three professional articles from the literature or journals: one article related to ethical decision making and at least two articles related to multicultural competence and the practice of

In your post, type your APA citations for the three articles.

Write 3 to 5 sentences under each article about how the article relates to the code of ethics or multicultural competencies and your observations or "takeaways" from the article.


Week 5: Code of Ethics Go to section 2014 ACA code of ethics [PDF]. Author: American Counseling Association Type: Website Publication Date: n.d. Link (counseling.org)

ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors Author: American School Counselor Association, 2022 Type: Document Student note: This is the revised version of the Ethical Standards.

NAADAC code of ethics [PDF]. Author: National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals Type: Website Publication Date: 2021 Link (naadac.org)

ACA advocacy competencies

American Counseling Association, 2018

Multicultural and social justice counseling competencies.

Ratts, M. J., Singh, A. A., Nassar-McMillan, S., Butler, S. K., & McCullough, J. R.American Counseling Association2015

The school counselor and cultural diversity.

American School Counselor Association, 2015

AMCD Multicultural counseling competencies [PDF].

Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development., n.d.

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