Assignment Part 1:
Q1. Describe at least one common client problem, issue, or gap in services at residential treatment centers.
Q2. What tells you clients need something more than what the agency, practice, or community setting is offering?
Q3. Identify a program that you think is necessary to address the problem, issue, or gap and explain why.
Q4. Generate a question that you might ask about your identified need and to whom.
Assignment Part 2:
Q1. A brief description of the program to be developed
Q2. Criteria for inclusion in the program (which clients and why)
Q3. Justification for the proposed program. What two best methods would you use to gather credible information to support the need for your program (e.g., interview, surveys, focus groups, etc.). Why? Be sure to state from whom you would gather the information.
Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
Chapter 4, "Common Types of Evaluations"
Read "Common Program Evaluations" (pp. 78-89).
Chapter 5, "Focusing an Evaluation" (pp. 96-111)
Chapter 6, "Needs Assessments" (pp. 115-147)