Q1. Describe civil liability issues associated with policing, including common sources of civil suits against the police.
Q2. Explain the different types of police corruption. What steps might police departments take to reduce or eliminate corruption among its officers? Or do you think certain types of people will always take part in corruption, no matter what? What themes run through the findings of the Knapp Commission and the Wickersham Commission?
Q3. Explain how the threat of terrorist attacks affect American policing today. Are American police agencies prepared to prevent and respond to terrorism or do you think most departments are as unprepared now as they were before September 11, 2001? Explain.
Q4. Describe racial profiling and biased policing, including why they have become significant issues in policing. A Bureau of Justice Statstics report from 2013
• Length: At least 1500 words (about six double-spaced pages); answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Each topic should be discussed in your essay.
• Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. The title page and the reference page are not counted toward the required word count. Be sure to answer all questions. There should be clear headings in your paper that shows each section you are addressing.
• References: Three to five scholarly resources; include the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.